Friday, August 10, 2007

Post-Surgery Update

After a very interrupted night, Peyton seems to be faring a bit better this morning. Yesterday, her breathing sounded very raspy and she was quite hoarse (stridor). When she was breathing, her chest was being sucked in. Last evening, when the neurosurgeon saw her, he was concerned about her breathing. Before long, there was a flurry of activity to determine the cause. Her BP was elevated a little too. After much poking, prodding and a chest x-ray, it was decided that the problem was caused by inflammation of the vocal chords as a result of being intubated during surgery. She is being given steroids by IV every six hours to reduce the swelling. After her first treatment, there was an improvement. This morning, her hoarseness has diminished, but she still has a lot of congestion in her throat.
Peyton is managing to take her bottle today, which is a good sign. When I spoke with Sarah, she was holding Peyton and I could hear that she sounded a little better. Although pretty tired, Sarah is quite pleased that things are a little easier for Peyton today.
Once again, thank you all for your prayerful support.

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