Monday, August 20, 2007

Post Surgery and Upcoming Surgery

Just a quick update to say that Peyton is doing really well since her surgery on August 9th. She has been just as mobile as ever since she came home on the 11th. She scared me at times with how mobile she was! I would have thought her neck would have been very sore and she would choose not to move it so much. Not the case! Actually, her doctor said that it's better for her to be mobile because it will heal faster.
In addition to the oxygen levels remaining at a really good level while she's sleeping, we've noticed a change in Peyton's feet. Since she was born, her feet have always been freezing. Now they're a normal temperature most of the time!
If all goes according to plan, Peyton will have her ear tube/adenoid surgery this Friday, the 24th. Her congestion from being intubated on the 9th has finally eased up and I think she's good to go for Friday. One more surgery coming up in September. This one is to shorten the tube of one of the shunts in her eyes. We found out that would have to be done back on 7/30/07, but the doctor didn't want to do it at that time since she had so much bacteria in her eyes at the time. It's apparently a very quick and simple procedure. It will be so good to get these surgeries out of the way.
Mom will be arriving on the 29th. Moira's looking forward to seeing Granny. I think she thinks Granny just lives at the airport and we just pick her up and drop her off as needed. On the 30th, Ron and I are off to Las Vegas until the 4th for some much needed R&R. It'll be the first time I've been away from Peyton since I was hospitalized in May 2006. I'm not feeling 100% great about leaving the kids, but I know they will be in good hands!
Will keep you posted on how Peyton makes out at her follow up with her Neurosurgeon tomorrow as well as her surgery on Friday.

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