Saturday, August 11, 2007

Going Home!

Oh Happy Day! I just spoke with Sarah and she shared the wonderful news that Miss Peyton was seen by the neurosurgeon's resident and he has given his approval for her to go home at some point today!!
Peyton had a fairly decent night. She is still quite congested and is getting suction treatments. Two different pediatricians have been keeping tabs on Peyton because of this problem. She was given Benadryl to ease the congestion, which they feel is a normal after affect of the surgery. She is being moved around more today - being held upright in order to ward of pneumonia.
During the night and early this morning, she had some fussy periods because of the pain. I believe she got Tylenol to ease that pain.
Peyton's blood oxygen levels continue to be very good. After surgery, they were between 97 - 100%; Thursday night they were 89% and higher while she was having her breathing problems; yesterday, with her congestion, they were between 92 - 95%. This has totally baffled the neurosurgeon who thought the surgery "might help the apnea a bit". So far, she has not required her oxygen.
Once Peyton is home, she will have to be watched carefully. She has to be very careful regarding neck extensions, etc.
Hopefully the whole family can now get some rest and enjoy being home together again. Way to go Peyton! We continue to cover you in prayer and thank all of your prayer warriors.

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