Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Seven Years

Seven years ago this morning, we welcomed our precious Peyton Elisabeth into this world.  We did not know in that moment that our world was about to be changed in far greater ways than we could ever have imagined.  

In nearly seven years, Peyton taught us far more than we could have ever hoped to have taught her.  She taught us about life and the value of it.  She taught us about perseverance.  She taught us about priorities.  She taught us about the lengths to which we would be willing to go for another human being.  We thought we knew what love was before Peyton, but she taught us more about love than what we knew was possible.

For almost seven years, our family's "normal" life was so far from what most of society would call "normal", yet it was normal for us.  Yes, we struggled along the way.  Yes, there were hardships.  But there were also so many blessings and joys experienced because of who Peyton was.  Peyton's life may have been short, but it was not without value.  It was not without purpose.  I believe that her purpose extends beyond her earthly life.  I believe that this world is a better place for her being a part of it.

I imagine that Peyton is having the most amazing birthday party in Heaven today, along with her brother Jeffrey, her Granny, and all those who have gone before her.  I miss her terribly today, but she's celebrating with Jesus!

Happy birthday, sweet Peyton!!

1 Corinthians 13:13

New Living Translation (NLT)
13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

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