Friday, February 17, 2012

Still In Hospital

Peyton is still in the step down unit of the PICU, although it is because there is no room at the inn, so to speak. They have a request for a regular room in, but no space is available over there. Meantime, they have switched her to the peds team from the PICU team so her doctor is now one who is familiar with her. Her potassium and phosphorus are low so they had to give her some. They will be keeping an eye on that. She is improving overall, so that is good. The doctor this morning commented on just how sick she was when she came in, so we are truly blessed and grateful for the excellent care she has been receiving here. I didn't realize til she was in he ER how sick she was, although she did become much worse between home and hospital. It was not good and I am seeing that more and more with each comment a doctor makes like this. I am so grateful for your prayers. Will keep you updated.

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