Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Keep the Prayers Up Please!

As you know, Peyton was able to come home from the hospital on Saturday afternoon.  Since she's been home, she's gotten just a little worse.  Not shockingly worse.  Not enough to go back to the ER...yet.  However, it's enough to raise our concern level for her just a little.

This afternoon, a nurse from the step down unit of the PICU called just to check on Peyton.  I explained to her what our concerns are right now.  She, in turn, contacted the gen peds doctor, who then called me back.  We discussed everything and there is enough concern to warrant bringing her back to the ER.  We agreed that we'd watch her overnight and see how things go, but if there is no improvement, we would bring her to the ER in the morning.  The doctor was going to give the ER a heads up just to say we might wind up back there.

Essentially, Peyton's lungs sound really "wet" still, which is consistent with the pneumonia.  Her last day in the hospital, she was on room air.  We haven't really been able to get her off oxygen at all (even while awake) since we've been home.  Her heart rate was back down into the 120s and low 100s/90s while sleeping - which is much better.  However, this evening, her heart rate is back up into the 130s/140s.  She slept for several hours today as well.

Please continue to pray that she improves significantly overnight so we can avoid another trip to the hospital.

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