Thursday, January 10, 2013

And So It Continues...

That heading could apply to a couple things going on, so here goes:

Yesterday I asked for continued prayers for Peyton that she doesn't wind up getting sicker than she is now.  Please please pray. She wound up with a fever last night.  None today, thank God.  But she's not herself.  She sounds very junky when she's breathing.  She's becoming clammy every now and then throughout the day.  She's requiring oxygen support during the day.  Her oxygen levels keep dropping into the low to mid 80% range.  She began an antibiotic a couple days ago.  I don't see any difference for the better so far.  I a in touch with the nurse practitioner in the Pulmonary clinic since we visited on Tuesday.  I will likely try to get some input as to what things would need to look like for us to wind up going to the ER - since it's the weekend and all.

Home nursing.  If you've spoken with me lately, you'll know that the past few months have been so frustrating.  We let one nurse go at the beginning of October.  There are certain things that one just should never do on the job.  We were able to fill in her 40 hours with another nurse who, incidentally, we had to let go a couple weeks ago.  There are certain things that one just should never do on the job.  Not nearly as bad as the first one, but I don't think I am being overly demanding when I say that my expectations for a home nurse include a certain level of alertness while on the job.  Between that and recently getting our nursing hours increased, it's been very difficult to get people in here.  We had a temporary nurse {her regular patient was hospitalized and she was in need of hours at the same time we were needing a nurse}, but as of today that isn't an option for us {her patient is home again}.  They are pulling in nurses to fill in the gaps.  We'll see what next week's schedule looks like, but it's going to mean that we have about 4 nurses in here, which ideally is not good for Peyton.


Nothing is ever easy.  And so it continues...

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