Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Still a Mystery

Things did not improve much over the course of yesterday.  I think if she had been left alone, Peyton would have slept all day.  Of course, she wasn't able to do that.

Peyton's face and feet seemed pretty puffy, which is always a concern, but particularly with cardiac issues.  They ordered an echocardiogram and apparently, based on what I heard this morning, that seems to be ok.  

Dermatology came in and checked her rash and bruising.  No answers there.

At one point, the doctors had been called back because Peyton just wasn't perking up and the swelling seemed to be worse.  Between that and some other issues, they decided to call the PICU doctor to come down and take a look at her.  She felt that whatever is going on with her is not respiratory an is likely neurological (heard that before).  She ordered an EEG.  That was done last night.  I haven't heard any results from that, but with the way things are going, I expect to find that it was normal.

I just have to take a minute to thank the people who have helped us out, particularly with Moira over the past few days.  It really means a lot!  Thank you!!

I have heard that Peyton may be going for an MRI today.  I'm not entirely sure.  I will, of course, be keeping you updated.

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