Friday, August 19, 2011

Ups and Downs

The road to recovery since this last hospitalization is up and down.  Peyton has some pretty good days but also some days where she starts running a low temperature or her oxygen levels aren't quite where we'd like them, thus requiring more oxygen at night.  She hasn't been sick to the point of needing to go to the doctor or to the ER, though, which is great!

We've had some big challenges in the last week.  I wrote about those on my blog over here:


Read in order so it makes more sense.  What has happened has been very challenging for us.  A lot of what's going on makes no sense and is hard to digest, but hopefully we can work around this and be ok with it in the end.  There's a lot of info, so I'd encourage you to hop over to the blog to read what I've already written on the subject.

Please pray for this situation for us!


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