Monday, July 25, 2011

We're Back... the hospital.   :(

Peyton woke up this morning and her oxygen saturation was low, so I wound up keeping her on oxygen throughout the morning.  I actually had to increase it to more than twice what she normally gets when she's sleeping.  In addition, her heart rate was a little higher than normal.  By the time the home nurse came at noon, her heart rate was over 160 and she was still on oxygen, although I'd been able to lower it a bit.  She also had a temp of 101.4.  She called the Infectious Disease doctor and he recommended that we bring her to the we did.

We got into an ER room quickly and the doctor was in very shortly thereafter.  Within minutes, we knew she was being admitted.  Same old respiratory issues as before, it would seem.

I just saw the doctor and he said she's looking better than what was described.  I would agree.  I don't know if it's the heavy duty antibiotics she is on, prayer, someone watching over her, or what it is, but she's quite improved.  We'll see how the night goes and how her chest x-ray looks tomorrow.  I'm not sure how long she'll be in the hospital, but they are well aware of her history and are keeping a watchful eye on her!

Will report back tomorrow on how she's doing!

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