Monday, July 30, 2007

EUA Update

Peyton and I are home from the hospital. She had her eye exam under general anesthetic. Prior to going in, the doctor was in the pre-op room. I asked her about something I noticed about Peyton's right eye - her lower lid seemed to be a bit "puffy" on one end. This wasn't something new, but it wasn't getting better. Sure enough, she has "chalazions" (similar to a sty, I guess, but not a sty) See: for more information. She had to have at least 7 surgically removed from both lower eye lids. Poor Peyton. She is resting at home now, but looks like she's been in a fight with George Foreman...and lost.
Her eye pressures are fine. More on the low side, but still in the normal range. The doctor said that the tube of the shunt in her right eye is now too long since her eye has decreased in size. She'll have to go back in September to have the tube shortened. He would have done it today, but she has too much bacteria in her eye from her other eye problem.
All went well. One procedure down. She will have her MRI on Wednesday if all goes according to plan. I'll keep you posted.

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