Saturday, May 5, 2007


I am pleased to report that Peyton and I are home from the hospital! The doctor discovered that she did have a little bit of pneumonia in her right upper lung. She started antibiotics last night. She also developed thrush in her mouth, so has antibiotics for that as well. Peyton's IV stopped working last night, so they left the IV in place, but had to stop fluids on last night's on-call doctor's orders. The weekend on-call doctor said it was ok to keep the IV out. After we saw him, he said that with no IV, there wasn't a whole lot they would be doing for Peyton in the hospital that we couldn't be doing for her at home, so it was up to me but we could go home if I was comfortable with that. I decided it was probably a good idea to get home. Her breathing sounded a lot better. If it didn't, I probably would have opted to stay another night. She's not a very happy baby this morning. Poor thing. I, for one, am glad to be home. Have to run out to get all her prescriptions. Moira's spending the weekend with her Mimi, Aunt Jaynie and Aunt Shirley near Austin, so it'll be quiet here. At least that's what I hope. That you all for your prayers for Peyton. I'll keep you posted on her recovery.

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