Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Good Day!

Today is a GOOD day!!
Ron took Peyton to her opthalmologist this morning. She had to call the glaucoma specialist because the pressure in her left eye is too low. So, Peyton's back on drops for that. Her eye infection has cleared up but will still take antibiotics for a few more days. Not a perfect visit, but it was good.
This afternoon, I took Peyton to her gastroenterologist. Peyton had to weight at least 15.5 lbs by today. She checked in at 18 lbs 9 oz!! The doctor was quite impressed, said she had gotten chunky and needed to do something about that. Her height and weight are in the 25th and 50th percentiles, respectively, now. She is thinking her height will probably follow along the 25th percentile but she doesn't want to see a dramatic jump in her weight again. It was good for now but we don't need it to happen again. So, she called in the nutritionist to figure out what sort of concoction we needed to be mixing up to get the right number of calories. We were at 4 oz milk mixed with 2.5 tsp formula and 1 ml of canola oil. After running the numbers, it was decided that straight milk was good enough. Great!! Formula's expensive!!
I discussed Peyton's aversion to her bottles. The doctor listened and nodded. When I was done, she said Peyton was too heavy. So, basically, she's become so fat she's turned off her food?? Man, I wish that worked in the adult world!!! Because Peyton is having bottle feeding issues, I was given the option to leave the tube in a little longer and keep working with her, or take it out and go cold turkey and see how she does. This evening we will be having the 'ceremonial' removal of the feeding tube!!!
So, now we have a big feeding challenge ahead of us. Since Peyton is not taking her bottles well, she doesn't have another way to get her food. The thought is that if she's too heavy right now, perhaps if she loses just a little it might be enough for her to get an appetite back. The doctor is not allowing her to lose very much weight at all before she'd want something done, so we really need for things to work.
This has been a good day. The feeding tube will be gone shortly. I'm just thrilled about that. We knew it had to be done but we hated doing it. So, now it's on to our next challenge!! We'll keep you posted on how she's doing.

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