Monday, April 15, 2013

Hospital Life...Day 21 {Part 2}

Earlier today I wrote about an issue that came up with Peyton's leg.  You can read about that HERE.  This post is to update you on that situation.

Here is the original picture I posted:

That is what we woke up to this morning.  It did not look like that at all last night or through the night.  Anyone who saw her leg seemed shocked the overnight change.  An ultrasound was ordered and Ortho was contacted.  The felt that the splint could be removed.  In addition to this change in her leg, her x-ray from yesterday showed a new fracture.  How a fracture happened with her leg in a splint for three weeks is beyond me, but it did happen.  The ultrasound revealed no DVTs {blood clots}, so that was good.  However, we are still concerned over the possibility of an infection in her leg.  After a couple of hours out of the splint, this is what her leg looked like:

Peyton is a high risk candidate for anesthesia and surgery, so our fear was that something surgical might need to be done - even if it was "simply" to drain it.  Fortunately, right now, it seems that that isn't going to be necessary although we certainly appreciate any and all prayers for this situation to resolve quickly.  We do not want any infection developing at all.

Nutritionally, the TPN appears to be helping, so that is a good thing.  Her labwork where that is concerned is trending in the right direction.  However, some labs came back from stool studies that were begun shortly after Peyton was admitted a few weeks ago.  One of the results showed a deficiency in her pancreatic function which could be contributing to her malabsorption issues.

The highest level of concern today has been for Peyton's leg.  It was ranking pretty high today.  We are still obviously concerned about the possibility of infection - how deep it goes - is it in the muscle?  the bone?  We're not sure about any of that just now so she is on a second IV antibiotic which should cover any type of infection.  Hopefully things will be looking much improved in the morning.  Because of all of today's issues, the doctors have increased Peyton's morphine dose and added in regularly scheduled Tylenol along with scheduled morphine doses every 3 hours.  It seems to be helping some.  She has to be in pain.  I don't know how she couldn't be!

Many thanks to friends of ours for providing dinner.  We appreciate the trip you made to the hospital with it when you knew Ron was up here with me rather than at home.  Thank you so much.  It was delicious!!

Thank you, also, to a group of "Christian lady" blogging friends who have been praying for us for so long, who sent these beautiful flowers to the hospital to brighten up Peyton's room.  They are beautiful and smell wonderful!

Thank you also to one of my blogging friends who created this sweet button for bloggers to add to their sidebars in support of Peyton.  I really appreciate this.  It's perfect!  {If you want the code, let me know!}

 photo PicMonkeyCollage_zps5d499682.jpg

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