Thursday, December 20, 2012

New Blog: Under Construction!

Family and Friends,

I have been updating you on Peyton's health via a CaringBridge page since 2007, not long before Peyton's first birthday.  It is a wonderful tool.  It really and truly is.  However, as I'm now well into my own personal writing "career" as a blogger, I have learned so much about blogging and the community I find myself a part of.  I have decided that the framework of CaringBridge is not really optimal for what I would like to see for Peyton's site.  I truly realized this when I recently tried to look for an old entry regarding a specific topic.  I couldn't find it because there's no search feature.  We're talking about five years of entries and I can't find the one little piece of informaton I was struggling to find.

I have decided to create this new blog for Peyton's updates going forward!  I am really excited about this.  I am hoping that this platform will prove to be much more useful for me as the writer and you as the reader.  I am really excited because I will be able to add pictures, links, and so on in a much more useful way.  There is so much to be excited about, really.

There are almost 400 entries on Peyton's CaringBridge page.  I have started to copy and paste these into this blog, starting with the oldest first.  It is going to take a while.  I might, at some point, actually start with the newest and work back so that new readers can find out the most current information quickly.

I am not going to lie - this transition is going to be quite an undertaking.  It is going to require a lot of determination and effort on my part.  I hope and pray that you will have patience with me as I start to build and populate this blog.  I promise you that all entries from CaringBridge will eventually wind up posted in this blog so that Peyton's whole story can be viewed in its entirety in one place.

So, welcome to as the new home for Peyton's updates.  I am not getting rid of CaringBridge.  I will point those readers to this blog and my "updates" over there {going forward} will likely be a post directing them to this site.  For now, the blog name is "Prayers For Peyton".  That title may change.  The design and layout may change.  I'm just starting this blog, so please bear with me during "construction"!

Thank you and welcome to Peyton's new site!

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We welcome your comments and especially your prayers and support as our family journeys through the ups and downs of life with a special needs and medically fragile child. Thank you for visiting!